Oxford is the first new place I ever called home. I could talk for hours about what I love in this city; a place of learning, of love, of beauty.
Now that I'm back, I would rather show you one of its gems. Just 10 minutes from the city centre, this is Port Meadow.
When my dad was a student here - almost 40 years ago - the river burst its banks as it so often does, and covered Port Meadow. It then froze, and he and his friends went ice skating.
During my final term of university, I would escape here with friends. We would read Kant, write poetry, and go swimming, daring each other to approach the cows cooling off in the river.
My new home is much closer to the meadow than I ever was as a student. We may be in a flooding area, but the walks along the canal will make it worth it (although perhaps you can ask me again when my bed is surrounded by mud).
New homes offer a world of new opportunities. This one is already full of home comforts.